The mission of the European Schools
The European Schools are educational institutions set up in the European Union’s Member States. They provide pupils with a multilingual and multicultural education at nursery, primary and secondary levels. The Schools follow a specific curriculum and offer the European Baccalaureate diploma. They are intended primarily for children of staff of the European institutions.
The European Schools are official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union. They are legally regarded as public institutions in all of these countries.
There are currently 13 European Schools in six countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain and Luxembourg), with a total of about 28,750 pupils on roll.
In Belgium there are five European Schools located in Brussels: Brussels I (Uccle + Berkendael), Brussels II (Woluwe + Evere), Brussels III (Ixelles), Brussels IV (Laeken), and in Mol, Flanders.
In Brussels, there are four European Schools
Enrolment in one of the Brussels European Schools/Sites
In order to obtain a link to the enrolment form, the eligibility of the pupil will be verified.
For the purpose of enrolment in the European Schools, pupils are divided into categories which can be consulted on the European Schools' website.
Only applications for category I and II pupils, for children of civilian staff of NATO (international civilian staff) and for children of UN employees (international civilian servant) will be given a link to the enrolment form.
In the case of applications for category III pupils, who do not come into the above-mentioned categories, a link to the enrolment form will be sent only if the children concerned are siblings of pupils already enrolled at one of the Brussels Schools/Sites who attended that School/Site throughout the 2024-2025 school year and will continue to do so during the 2025-2026 school year (Article 7.4. of the Enrolment Policy).
For enrolment applications for the 2025-2026 school year of displaced Ukrainian pupils, please take note of the decision of the Board of Governors of 3-5 December 2024, available here. Please consult the Policy on Enrolment for the 2025-2026 school year, available here.
For further information, please consult the Instructions page, available here